PAGE 5-3
Alternate Services
The digital satellite receiver can support alternate audio and data reception. To determine if the
services are available for a particular program, look for their icons
below the date and time in the Information Banner or on the on-
screen guide. To access these services when available press the
key on the remote control. The Alternate Services banner
will appear at the bottom of the screen. Highlight and select the Alt.
Audio to temporarily change the audio language.
Alt. Audio
Once you have selected the Alt. Audio button you can use the and
keys to step through the audio tracks offered for the current
program. To choose the highlighted language, press . On
occasion an audio track may be offered that is not being broadcast. If
this is the case for the selected track, the audio you hear will either
be unchanged or silent.
Changing channels will restore the audio track to the one that is specified on the PREFERENCES
screen. See the chapter “The Digital Satellite Receiver’s Menu System” for information on setting the
default audio.
The Alternate Services panel