Setting Up Your HD Receiver
Page 2-9
HD Receiver with Standard Definition TV Monitor and VCR
Follow these steps indicated by the diagram on page 2-11.
1) Connect the satellite dish antenna and terrestrial antenna or cable service to the HD
receiver following the instructions in “HD Receiver and Satellite Dish Antenna with Ter-
restrial Antenna or Cable Service” on page 2–3.
2) Connect one set of standard Audio and Video cables (one yellow video connector, one
white left audio connector, and one red right audio connector) to the back of the HD
receiver using the connectors marked AUDIO L, R and VIDEO. Connect the other end
of the Audio and Video cables to the back of the TV monitor using the AUDIO and
VIDEO input connectors.
Optional: For better performance, if your TV has an S-VIDEO input, then use an S-
Video cable instead of a standard yellow Video cable.
3) Connect another set of standard Audio and Video cables to the back of the HD receiver
using the connectors marked AUDIO L, R and VIDEO. Connect the other end of the
audio and video cables to the back of the VCR using the AUDIO and VIDEO input con-