
An even better way to catch all your favorites
Autotune is a great way to see your favorite programs on your schedule. You won’t forget to tune to
your favorite team’s playoff game because you got distracted. Just set a program to autotune and your
Receiver will tune to it automatically when it starts.
To schedule a program for autotuning with specifi c options:
1) Highlight a program that interests you and press INFO.
2) Highlight and select Autotune. A screen is displayed where you can set Autotune options for that
program. Follow the onscreen instructions to set the program to autotune as you wish.
3) Select the Set Autotune button, then OK on the confi rmation screen.
If a program you select to autotune confl icts with another program, you will be notifi ed of the confl ict at
the time and given a choice of which autotune to cancel.
Don’t you hate
when you miss
a show just
because you
forget it’s on?
So do we.