Page 38
Poor cut quality Ground speed Reduce mowing speed
Poor cut quality Loose engine to Refer to Page 25
mower deck belt
Poor cut quality Engine RPM too low Increase engine RPM to maximum
Poor cut quality Dull or bent blade Sharpen or replace as required
Poor cut quality Un-level mower deck Consult your dealer
Poor cut quality Grass buildup under Clean out underside of mower deck
mower deck
Poor cut quality Improper blades Replace with original equipment
blade designed for the 3000 Series
Poor cut quality Uneven tire pressures Check and adjust as required per
operator's manual
There are many variables that can effect the cut quality of any riding mower. Type and conditions of grass,
cut height setting, engine RPM and ground speed are some of the variables that interact creating differences
in cut quality. Examination of one or more of the above will generally produce a quality cut.
The Troubleshooting Chart suggests practices and adjustments that may be helpful in improving cut quality.
Your Dixon ZTR dealer is also available to provide assistance to you.