DES-3200-10/18/28/28F Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch User Manual
Port Description Settings
The Switch supports a port description feature where the user may name various ports on the Switch.
To view the following window, click Configuration > Port Configuration > Port Description Settings:
Figure 2 - 9. Port Description Settings window
Use the From Port and To Port pull-down menus to choose a port or range of ports to describe, and then enter a
description of the port(s).
The Medium Type applies only to the Combo ports. If configuring the Combo ports this defines the type of transport
medium used. SFP ports should be nominated Fiber and the Combo 1000BASE-T ports should be nominated Copper.
The result will be displayed in the appropriate switch port number slot (C for copper ports and F for fiber ports).
The following parameters can be configured:
Parameter Description
From Port/To
Use the pull-down menus to select the port or range of ports to be configured.
Medium Type
This only applies to the Combo ports. If configuring the Combo ports, this defines the type of
transport medium used. SFP ports should be set at Fiber and the Combo 1000BASE-T ports
should be set at Copper.
The description of the the ports.
Click Apply to implement the new settings on the Switch.
Port Error Disabled
The following window will display information about ports that have had their connection status disabled for reasons
such as STP loopback detection or link down status.
To view this window, click Configuration > Port Configuration > Port Error Disabled: