DGS-3100 Series Firmware Release Notes
D-Link switches support firmware upgrade via TFTP server. You can download the firmware from
D-Link web site http://tsd.dlink.com.tw, and copy the downloaded firmware to the TFTP server
folder. Please make sure that the TFTP server is accessible from the switch via networks.
Upgrade using CLI (serial port)
Connect a workstation to the switch console port and run any terminal program that can emulate
a VT-100 terminal. The switch serial port default settings are as follows:
w Baud rate: 9600
w Data bits: 8
w Parity: None
w Stop bits: 1
The switch will prompt the user to enter his/her username and password. It should be noted that
upon the initial connection, there is no username and password by default.
To upgrade the switch’s firmware and PROM, execute the following commands:
download [ firmware_fromTFTP <ipaddr>
<path_filename 64> {image_id <int 1-2>} ]
the TFTP server to the switch.
config firmware image_id <1
Change the boot up image file.
show firmware_information
image and configuration.
download [boot <ipaddr> <path_filename 1-64>]
TFTP server.
1. DGS-3100# download firmware dgs_31xx_gen-36028.ros
08-Feb-2000 23:10:57 %COPY-I-FILECPY: Files Copy - source URL tftp://
4/dgs_31xx_gen-36028.ros destination URL Unit all flash://image
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08-Feb-2000 23:13:56 %CO
PY-N-TRAP: The copy operation was completed successfully
Copy: 4387258 bytes copied in 00:03:00 [hh:mm:ss]
2. DGS-3100# show firmware information