DES-3226 NWay Standalone Fast Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
Figure 6-21. Setup Unicast Filtering Table screen
The Action field can be toggled between Add/Modify and Delete using the space bar. Enter the VID in
the VLAN ID field and the MAC address to be statically entered in the forwarding table in the MAC
Address field. There are two static unicast filter types to select from, Permanent and DeleteOnReset.
Enter the port number in the Allow to Go Port field.
Highlight APPLY and press Enter to make the changes current. Use Save Changes from the main
menu to enter the changes into NV-RAM.
Setup Static Multicast Filtering Table
To edit the IEEE 802.1q Multicast Filtering settings, highlight Configure Static Multicast Filtering
Table on the Configure Static (Destination-Address Filtering) Table menu above to access the
following screen:
Figure 6-22. Setup Static Multicast Filtering Table screen
The Action field can be toggled between Add/Modify and Delete using the space bar. To add a new
entry to the static multicast filtering table, select Add/Modify and enter the VLAN ID number of the
VLAN that will be receiving the multicast packets. Enter the MAC address of the multicast source, and
then enter the member ports. Each port can be Egress, Forbidden, or a non-member of the multicast