DGS-3024 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Manual
SSH User Authentication
The following windows are used to configure parameters for users attempting to access the Switch through SSH. To access
the following window, click Security Management > Secure Shell > SSH User Authentication Mode.
Figure 8- 6. Current Accounts window
In the example screen above, the User Account “DFlint” has been previously set using the User Accounts window in the
Management folder. A User Account MUST be set in order to set the parameters for the SSH user. To configure the
parameters for a SSH user, click on the hyperlinked User Name in the Current Accounts window, which will reveal the
following window to configure.
Figure 8- 7. untitled SSH User window
The user may set the following parameters:
Parameter Description
User Name
Enter a User Name of no more than 15 characters to identify the SSH user. This User
Name must be a previously configured user account on the Switch.
Auth. Mode
The administrator may choose one of the following to set the authorization for users
attempting to access the Switch.
Host Based – This parameter should be chosen if the administrator wishes to use a
remote SSH server for authentication purposes. Choosing this parameter requires the
user to input the following information to identify the SSH user.
Host Name – Enter an alphanumeric string of no more than 32 characters to
identify the remote SSH user.
Host IP – Enter the corresponding IP address of the SSH user.
Password – This parameter should be chosen if the administrator wishes to use an
administrator-defined password for authentication. Upon entry of this parameter, the
Switch will prompt the administrator for a password, and then to re-type the password
for confirmation.
Public Ke
arameter should be chosen if the administrator wishes to use the