29D-Link DCS-5010L User Manual 29
Section 3 - Conguration
Video Prole:
Encode Type:
Bit Rate
JPEG Quality:
Default View
This section allows you to congure the video settings for your camera.
This section allows you to change the Resolution, FPS, and Quality.
Your camera has separate settings for the H.264 and MJPEG video
Select the desired video resolution from three formats: 640x480,
320x240, and 160x112. Higher settings oer better quality, but will
require more bandwidth to stream.
Select the desired bit rate for the video. A higher bit rate will increase
image quality, but will require more bandwidth to stream.
Select the frame rate (FPS) to use for the video stream. Higher settings
oer better quality, but will require more bandwidth to stream.
Select one of ve levels of image quality: Highest, High, Medium,
Low, and Lowest.
Select the default encoding to use when viewing your video on the
Live Video page.
Select the frequency used by your lighting and power to help reduce
image icker.