
Using IP surveillance Software (continued)
Launcher is a controller program that allows users to invoke Monitor or Playback
System Tray Icon
The Launcher icon reflects current state of IP surveillance. The icon in the
system tray signifies that the IP surveillance Software is currently active on the
Security for Launcher
When Launcher starts, there is no need to undergo a username/password
check. But when users want to click on the icon of Launcher on system tray,
Launcher will popup a username/password dialog the first time for menu popup
or when Launcher is locked. If a user fails to pass the authentication check, no
menu will show up. If a user fails 3 consecutive tries he/she will be locked out
for a period of 60 seconds.
After passing authentication, users will be able to use all the functions. If users
want to leave the computer, it is possible to lock the Launcher for security
reason. When Launcher is locked, the user will need to pass authentication
again to see the popup menu.
Below is the login window: