29D-Link DCS-910/920 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Setup > Video
Video Profile:
Light Frequency:
Video Configuration
Encode Type:
The compression format used when viewing your camera.
Select the desired video resolution from three formats: 640x480, 320x240, and 160x120. The higher setting can
obtain better quality. However, it will use more resource within your network.
Select the optimal setting depending on your network status. Please note that the higher setting can obtain better
quality. However, it will use more resource within your network.
Select the desired image quality from five levels: Highest, High, Medium, Low, and Lowest.
Select the proper frequency (50Hz or 60Hz) to reduce image flicker.
In this section, you can configure the video settings for
your camera.
This section allows you to change the Encode Type, Resolution, FPS, and Quality.