Camera Name:
This field is used for entering a descriptive name for the device.
The default setting for the Camera Name is CS-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is the
last six digit of the MAC Address. The maximum length is 32 (Printable ASCII).
This field is used for entering a descriptive name for the location used by the
Internet Camera.
This field is used for entering the Administrator ID along with the password to
access the System Administration settings. Be sure to enter the password
twice to confirm the details once in the Admin Password field and again in the
Confirm Password field.
The default setting for Admin is blank (Null String) you need to key in the
Admin ID with a maximum length of 12 (Printable ASCII) characters and enter
the Admin Password with a maximum length of 8 (Printable ASCII) characters.
It is highly recommended to set the Admin ID and Admin Password as soon
as possible to ensure the highest possible security.
IP Assignment:
There are two options to select from the IP Assignment either Manually Assign
or Assign Automatically Using.
Manually Assign
You can click “Manually Assign” and directly enter the IP address.
Important Information
Access to the Internet Camera is gained by assigning a proper IP
Address. Please make sure to use a vacant IP address when you
assign the IP Address for the Internet Camera. This will prevent
errors from occurring if the IP Address is overlapped.