Option TAB
In the “Option TAB”, there is the Refresh Time function. This
function helps you to refresh the time for monitoring the device.
Choose 15 secs, 30 secs, 1 min, 2 min, and 5 min to select the
time for monitoring.
Help TAB
In the “Help TAB”, there is the About function; it displays the
version of the Web Management Utility.
Configuring the Switch
The DES-1526 has a Web GUI interface for smart switch
configuration. The Switch can be configured through the Web
browser. A network administrator can manage, control, and
monitor the Switch from the local LAN. This section indicates
how to configure the Switch to enable its smart functions
including: Port Settings VLAN Settings, Trunk Settings, Port
Mirroring, SNMP Settings, PoE Settings, Status, Statistics,
System Settings, Trap Settings, Password Settings, Backup
Settings, and Reset Settings.