Configuration D-Link Web Smart Switch User Manual
Speed: Gigabit Fiber connections can operate in 1000M Full, Auto or Disabled. Copper connections can
operate in Forced Mode settings (1000M Full, 100M Full, 100M Half, 10M Full, 10M Half), Auto, or
Disabled. 100M Fiber connections support 100M Full, or Disabled. The default setting for all ports is Auto.
NOTE: Be sure to adjust port speed settings
appropriately after changing the connected cable
media types.
MDI/MDIX: A medium dependent interface (MDI) port is an Ethernet port connection typically used on the
Network Interface Card (NIC) or Integrated NIC port on a PC. Switches and hubs usually use Medium
dependent interface crossover (MDIX) interface. When connecting the Switch to end stations, user have to
use straight through Ethernet cables to make sure the Tx/Rx pairs match up properly. When connecting the
Switch to other networking devices, a crossover cable must be used.
This Switch provides a configurable MDI/MDIX function for users. The Switch can be set as an MDI port in
order to connect to other hubs or switches without an Ethernet crossover cable.
Auto MDI/MDIX is designed on the Switch to detect if the connection is backwards, and automatically
chooses MDI or MDIX to properly match the connection. The default setting is Auto.
Flow Control: You can enable this function to mitigate the traffic congestion. Ports configured for full-duplex
use 802.3x flow control, half-duplex ports use backpressure flow control. The default setting is Disabled.
Medium Type: If configuring the Combo ports, this defines the type of transport medium to be used. This is
only for DGS-1210-48.
Link Status: Reporting Link Down indicates the port is disconnected.
This window allows you to enable the DHCP Auto Configuration feature on the Switch. When enabled, the
Switch becomes a DHCP client and gets the configuration file from a TFTP server automatically on next boot
up. To accomplish this, the DHCP server must deliver the TFTP server IP address and configuration file
name information in the DHCP reply packet. The TFTP server must be up and running and store the
necessary configuration file in its base directory when the request is received from the Switch.
System > DHCP Auto Configuration
Figure 4.22 – System > DHCP Auto Configuration
System Logs record and manage events, as well as report errors and informational messages. Message
severity determines a set of event messages that will be sent. Click Enabled to configure the related settings
of the remote system log server, and click Apply for the changes to take effect.
System > SysLog Host
Figure 4.23 – System > SysLog Host Settings