5 Configuration D-Link Web Smart Switch User Manual
t FramesDiscarded – Displays the total discarded frame number of LLDP frames received on
the port.
RxPort FramesErrors – Displays the Error frame number of LLDP frames received on the port.
RxPort Frames – Displays the total number of LLDP frames received on the port.
RxPortTLVsDiscarded – Each LLDP frame can contain multiple pieces of information, known as
TLVs. If a TLV is malformed, it is counted and discarded.
RxPortTLVsUnrecognized – Displays the number of well-formed TLVs, but with an known type
RxPort Ageouts – Each LLDP frame contains information about how long time the LLDP information
is valid. If no new LLDP frame is received within the age out time, the LLDP information is removed,
and the Age-Out counter is incremented.
QoS > Bandwidth Control
The Bandwidth Control page allows network managers to define the bandwidth settings for a specified port’s
transmitting and receiving data rates.
Figure 5.64 – QoS > Bandwidth Control
From Port / To Port: A consecutive group of ports may be configured starting with the selected port.
Type: This drop-down menu allows you to select between RX (receive), TX (transmit), and Both. This
setting will determine whether the bandwidth ceiling is applied to receiving, transmitting, or both
receiving and transmitting packets.
No Limit: This drop-down menu allows you to specify that the selected port will have no bandwidth limit.
Enabled disables the limit.
Rate (64-1024000): This field allows you to enter the data rate, in Kbits per second, will be the limit for the
selected port. The value is between 64 and 1024000.
Click Apply to set the bandwidth control for the selected ports.
QoS > 802.1p/DSCP
QoS is an implementation of the IEEE 802.1p standard that allows network administrators to reserve
bandwidth for important functions that require a larger bandwidth or that might have a higher priority, such as
VoIP (voice-over Internet Protocol), web browsing applications, file server applications or video conferencing.
Thus with larger bandwidth, less critical traffic is limited, and therefore excessive bandwidth can be saved.