DSL-G624T Wireless A DSL Router User’s Guide
7. The Firewall should remain enabled for most users. If you choose to disable this you will not be able to use the
features configured in the Firewall and Filters menus located in the Advanced directory. See the next chapter for
more details on these menus.
8. Most users will not need to change ATM settings. If this is the first time you are setting up the ADSL connection
it is recommended that you leave the Service Category settings at the default values until you have established
the connection. See the table in the next section for a description of the parameters available for ATM traffic
9. When you are satisfied that all the WAN settings are configured correctly, click on the Apply button.
10. The new settings must be saved and the Router must be restarted for the settings to go into effect. To Save &
Reboot the Router, click on the Tools directory tab and then click the Save & Reboot menu button. In the Save
and Reboot menu, click the Reboot button under Force the DSL-G624T to system restart. The Router will
save the new settings and restart. Upon restarting the Router will automatically establish the WAN connection.
Additional settings for Static IP Address connections:
Static IP Parameters Description
Connection Type
This specifies the connection type and the encapsulation method used for your
Static IP Address connection. The options available are Bridged IP LLC,
Bridged IP VC-MUX, Routed IP LLC, Routed IP VC-MUX or IPoA.
IP Address
This is the permanent global IP address for your account. This is the address
that is visible outside your private network. Get this from your ISP.
Subnet Mask
This is the Subnet mask for the WAN interface. Get this from your ISP.
Gateway Address
This is the IP address of your ISP’s Gateway router. It provides the connection
to the Router for IP routed traffic that is outside your ISP’s network. That is, this
will be the primary connection from the Router to most of the Internet. Get this
IP address from your ISP.
ARP Server Address
(for IPoA connection only)
This is not required for all IPoA connections. Check with your ISP for an ARP
server IP address if this is necessary for your IPoA connection.
Primary DNS Address
This is the IP address of the first choice for Domain Name Service (DNS) used
to match the named URL web address used by most browsers with the actual
global IP address used for a web server. Usually this will be a server owned by
the ISP. Get this IP address from your ISP.
Secondary DNS Address
This is the second choice for a DNS server. Get this IP address from your ISP.
The Maximum Transmission Unit size may be changed if you want to optimize
efficiency for uploading data through the WAN interface. The default setting
(1400 bytes) should be suitable for most users. Some user may want to adjust
the setting to optimize performance for wireless traffic or when low latency is
desired (such as with Internet gaming). It is highly recommended that the user
research how adjusting the MTU may affect network traffic for better or worse.
Network Address Translation may be enabled or disabled with the pull-down
menu. Keep in mind that disabling NAT allows on a single computer to be used
for Internet access through the Router. NAT is enabled and disable for the
Router on all connections (i.e. Pvc0 – Pvc7) if your Router is set up for multiple
virtual connections.
Use this to universally enable or disable the Firewall and Filter features
available in the Router. If you disable this you will not be able to configure
settings in the Firewall or Filters menus in the Advanced directory.