305D-Link ShareCenter DNS-345 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
Finished: Click on the Finish button if you are satised with all
the settings of the Backup job created. Otherwise click
on the Previous button to go back and make changes.
Alternatively click on Exit to end the conguration
without adding a Remote Backup job.
Backups list:
Task: The name of the Remote Backup job.
Schedule: When the Remote Backup job will execute.
Status: Current status which can be
• Ready the remote backup job is ready to be
• Finished the remote backup job has executed
completely and successfully.
• Failed the Remote backup job was unsuccessful
during execution.
Enable/Disable: If the button shows a red circle the
remote backup job is enabled. Clicking the red button
will disable the remote backup job and the button will
change to a green right pointing triangle. Clicking the
green triangle will enable the job again.
Backup now: Clicking this button will execute the
backup job immediately as long as the job is enabled.
Recovery: Clicking this button will write the backup
les and folders back into the source le system from
the backup target system (reverse the le direction).
Navigation buttons: Use these buttons to move up
and down in the list when there are multiple jobs
Refresh Button: Click this button during a backup or
recovery process to monitor the progress by updating
the progress completed bar.