DCS-6620 User’s Manual
D-Link Systems, Inc.
Using the DCS-6620 with an Internet Browser
Click Apply to make
changes effective
Configuration > Advanced >Camera Control (continued)
Current Position:
Enter a name for the position at which you would like to preset
the DCS-6620. Click Add to add the new preset position to the
Preset Locations list.
Preset Position:
Using the pull down menu, you can delete a preset position
by selecting it and clicking Delete.
Dwelling Time:
Set the value of time that the camera will remain on each preset
position before moving to the next. The dwelling time can be
set between 1 and 255 seconds.
Patrol Selection:
To use the Auto Patrol feature, select the desired preset
positions from the Preset Locations list and add them to the
Selected Locations list by clicking Select. You can then select
the order in which the camera will patrol through the
preset locations by selecting a location and clicking UP
or DN. Click Remove to remove a location from the list.
Enable IR Control:
Click this to allow the DCS-6620 to be controlled by the included
Zoom times display:
Checking this box allows the Administrator to display the zoom
magnitude on the transmitted video.
The button is valid for “Pan speed”, “Tilt speed”, “Tilt speed”, “Auto
pan/patrol speed”, “Enable IR control”, “Dwelling time” and “Patrol
selection”. In other words, after changing these settings, and
the “Save” button is not clicked, the new setting of the camera
will not take effect.