Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 72
March 2012
Section 5 - Conguring Access Point Services
Note: After you congure the QoS settings, you must click Apply to apply the changes and to save
the settings. Changing some settings might cause the AP to stop and restart system processes. If
this happens, wireless clients will temporarily lose connectivity. We recommend that you change
AP settings when WLAN trafc is low.
Table 40 - QoS Settings
Conguring Email Alert
The Email Alert feature allows the AP to automatically send email messages when an event at or above the congured
severity level occurs. Use the Email Alert Conguration page to congure mail server settings, to set the severity level
that triggers alerts, and to add up to three email addresses where urgent and non-urgent email alerts are sent.
Note: Email alert is operationally disabled when the AP transitions to managed mode.
Figure 38 - Email Alerts Conguration
Field Description
Email Alert Global Conguration
Admin Mode Globally enable or disable the Email Alert feature on the AP. By default, email alerts are
From Address Specify the email address that appears in the From eld of alert messages sent from the AP,
for example dlinkAP23@foo.com. The address can be a maximum of 255 characters and
can contain only printable characters. By default, no address is congured.
Log Duration This duration, in minutes, determines how frequently the non-critical messages are sent to
the SMTP Server. The range is 30-1440 minutes. The default is 30 minutes.
Urgent Message
Congures the severity level for log messages that are considered to be urgent. Messages
in this category are sent immediately. The security level you select and all higher levels are
•) Emergency indicates system is unusable. It is the highest level of severity.
•) Alert indicates action must be taken immediately.
•) Critical indicates critical conditions.
•) Error indicates error conditions.
•) Warning indicates warning conditions.
•) Notice indicates normal but signicant conditions.
•) Info indicates informational messages.
•) Debug indicates debug-level messages.