Commands and Syntax
D-Link Unified Wired and Wireless Access System
November 7, 2011 Page 14
D-Link UAP CLI Command Reference
Section 2: Commands and Syntax
Configuration information for the DWL-x600AP is represented as a set of classes and objects. The CLI for the
DWL-x600AP provides the following commands for manipulating objects:
The following sections describe the function of each command.
Using the get Command
The get command enables you to view the property values of existing instances of a class. Classes can be
“named” or “unnamed.” The command syntax is:
get unnamed-class [property ... | detail]
get named-class [instance | all [property ... | name | detail]]
The rest of the command line is optional. If provided, it is either a list of one or more properties, or the
The following example uses the
get command on an unnamed class with a single instance:
get log
There is only one log on the AP, so the command returns information on the log file.
The following example uses the
get command on an unnamed class with multiple instances:
get log-entry
There are multiple log entries but they are not named in the command, so this command returns all log entries.
The following example uses the
get command on a named class with multiple instances:
get bss wlan0bssvap0
There are multiple BSSes and they are named in the command, so this command returns information on the
BSS named wlan0bssvap0.
Caution! Settings that you update using the CLI get, set, add, and remove commands are not saved to
the startup configuration unless you explicitly save them using the
save-running command. For a
description of configurations maintained on the AP and details on how to save your updates, see
“Saving Configuration Changes” on page 21.