
signal processing
NOTE: When you change the selected Parameter from the stored
value, a decimal point appears in the bottom right corner of the
display and the Store LED lights.
That's it! You can manipulate any effect setting in the FX7 by pressing
the associated Effect selector button on the front panel and turning
the Data wheel. The Effect Group buttons also toggle the effects on
and off with each successive press of the button.
When you're editing Programs, be sure to pay attention to the flashing
Status LEDs. This helps you keep track of where you are in the menus.
IMPORTANT: If you want to store your custom Program so you
can use it later, follow the procedure below.
Storing Programs
The FX7 helps you remember whether or not you've stored the
Program you're working on by lighting the Store LED under the bot-
tom right corner of the display when the selected Program has been
Remember that if you change any settings in a Program, you have to
store the Program into a User memory location. Otherwise, all your
changes will be lost.
To store a Program into a memory location:
1) Press the Store button. The Store LED begins flashing and the
User LED lights (if not lit already).
2) Use the Data wheel to select the User location where you want
to store the Program.
3) Press the Store button again to store the Program in the loca-
tion you selected.
After the storing procedure is complete, the FX7 returns to normal
operation at the new Program location.
NOTE: Factory Programs can't be overwritten. When you modify
a factory Program and store it in memory, the Program is stored in
the corresponding number location in the User Program section.
The FX7's bypass functions are very simple.
To bypass individual effects:
1) From Program mode, decide which effect you want to bypass
and press its Select button twice. The display reads:
User Store
User Store
FX7 owner's manual