Tips on trimming hedges
The procedure described here can be used very often and makes working easier. If a hedge has to be cut back very substantially,
it should be trimmed in two passes. The trapezoidal form shown prevents the lower portion of the hedge from thinning out due to
lack of light.
- First cut the hedge to the desired height (
1). With practice,
it is possible to remove cut material from the hedge with a
swinging motion. To get a straight cut, stretch a string along
the hedge at the desired height.
- Trim the hedge to a trapezoidal shape (about 10 cm / 4“ in
at the top for every 1 m / 3’3“ of height), cutting from bottom
to top (2). In this way you avoid cut material falling down
into the area not yet cut.
- Round off the top edges of the hedge (
the bottom edges back somewhat (4).
The best times to trim hedges are:
Broad-leaf hedges: June and October
Coniferous hedges: April and August
Fast-growing hedges: About every 6 weeks starting in May
Environmental protection information
Do not use the hedge trimmer during times when people are likely to be resting.
Before trimming a hedge, check to make sure that no birds are nesting in it. If they are, wait until the young have left the nest before
trimming near that part of the hedge.
Dispose of cut material in an environment-friendly way, or compost it.