General precautions
Proper use: These power brushcutters are intended for cutting
grass or heavy weeds, with the appropriate and permissible cut-
ting tools. A brushcutter may be operated only by one person, and
only out of doors!
Improper use:
The cutting tools permissible for this brushcutter must not be used
to cut heavier material such as shrubs, bushes, heavy growth, or
Impermissible users:
Persons who are unfamiliar with this Instruction Manual, minors,
must not operate this tool.
To ensure correct operation, the user has to read this instruction
manual to make himself familiar with the handling of the brushcut-
well as others due to improper handling (1).
- It is recommended only to lend the brushcutter to people who
have experience with brushcutters. When lending the brushcutter
to someone else, give him this Instruction Manual as well.
- First-time users should ask their dealer for basic instruc
tions so that they can familiarize themselves with the basic
handling of gasoline-powered brushcutting.
- Children and persons under the age of 18 must not be allowed
to operate the brushcutter. Exceptions may be made for per-
sons over 16 for training purposes under the supervision of a
- Always use brushcutters with the utmost care and attention.
- Operate the brushcutter only if you are in good physical con
dition. Perform all work calmly and carefully. The user must
accept liability for others.
- Never use the brushcutter after consumption of alcohol, drugs
or medication (2).
Personal protective equipment
- The clothing worn should be functional and appropriate, i.e.
either jewellery or clothing which could become entangled with
bushes or shrubs. Secure hair so it is above shoulder level. If
you have long hair, always wear a hair net!
In order to avoid head-, eye-, hand- or foot injuries as
well as to protect your hearing, the following protective
equipment and protective clothing must be used during
operation of the brushcutter:
- It is recommended to wear a protective helmet; it is imperative
when working in forests. The protective helmet (1) should be
checked at regular intervals for damage and must be replaced after
5 years at the latest. Use only approved protective helmets.
- The helmet
face shield (2) protects your face from ying
particles from the cut and other objects. To prevent eye injury,
wear protective goggles in addition to the face shield.
- Wear adequate
noise protection equipment to avoid hear-
ing impairment (ear muffs (3), ear plugs etc.). Octave brand
analysis upon request.
- The
forestry safety jacket (4) is equipped with special red
coloured shoulder parts. The arms and neck should always be
protected by clothing.
- The
protective trousers (5) are made from a nylon fabric
with 22 layers and protects against cuts. We strongly recom
mend its use. In any case, it is essential that a long pair of
trousers made of tough material be worn during operation of
the brushcutter.
Protective gloves (6) made of thick leather are part of the
prescribed equipment and must always be worn during opera-
tion of the brushcutter.
Safety shoes or boots(7)ttedwithanti-skidsole,steeltoe
caps and leg protection must always be used. Safety shoes
equipped with a protective layer give protection against cuts
and ensure a secure footing.
Handling fuels / Refuelling
- Stop the engine before refuelling.
- Keepawayfromopenameorsparksanddonotsmokewhile
refuelling or mixing fuel.
- Let the engine cool down before refuelling.
- Fuel may contain substances similar to solvents. Eyes and skin
should not come in contact with mineral oil products. Always
wear protective gloves when refuelling. Frequently clean and
change protective clothes. Do not breathe in fuel vapors.
Inhalation of fuel vapours can be hazardous to your health.
- Before refuelling the brushcutter make sure it is on its side
in a stabile position.
- Do not spill fuel or oil. When you have spilt fuel or oil im
mediately clean the brushcutter. Fuel should not come in
contact with clothes. If your clothes come in contact with
fuel, change them at once.