
Competition Model A
Assembly required
Lifting capacity is 200 lbs.
Display width limited to width of lift
Vertical extension is only 80%
of its stored height
Overall depth is 6.75"
Overall height is 32"
Optional RS232 control
Travel Speed is 1⁄" per second
Deployment time (without
load) is 16 seconds
No Universal Mounting Bracket is included
Draper FSL-F-50
No assembly required
Lifting capacity is 210 lbs.
No display width limitation
Vertical extension up to 148%
of its stored height
Overall depth is 4"
Overall height is 29.75"
Optional RS232 control
Travel Speed is 1⁄" per second
Deployment time (without
load) is 33 seconds*
Universal Mounting Bracket is included
*longer than other models due to greater extension
The Competition
How does Draper’s FSL-F-50 compare to the competition? See for yourself.
Surpassing the Rest
As you can see, Draper’s Flatscreen Lift greatly exceeds the abilities of the competition with a vertical extension of up to 148%
of stored height. The nearest competitor only offers a possible extension of 84% of stored height. The FSL-F-50 does this
while maintaining the most compact design, with the smallest stored height and depth. Easily adjust up and down limits to
stop the lift at any intermediate point for “show” and “store” positions.
The competition’s rack-and-pinion designs fall short due
to the inherent limitation imposed upon the display
width and height. The upright tracks unnecessarily limit
the size of display and any accessories such as speakers,
as well as the height of vertical travel.
The compact size of the
FSL-F-50 provides the
greatest flexibility in
installation within cabinetry
or custom furniture. A
minimum interior height
of only 31⁄" is required
for installation space,
and the width must only
accommodate the width of
the display and any other
added accessories.