SMS Flatscreen Wall Mounts for Plasma Displays by Draper
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Exclusive Keystone Mounting Bracket-to-Mount
Exclusive Universal Plasma Display Bracket
FPD Adapter (for mounting Flat
Panel Displays)
Specifi cations—SMS Flatscreen Wall Mounts for Plasma
SMS Flatscreen Wall Mounts for Plasma
Displays, model (WH 3D/WH T 2/WH ST 400/WH ST 1150/WFH ST 2000/WH
ST), by Draper, Inc., of Spiceland, Indiana.
Universal Plasma Bracket: shall be provided for any plasma display through
50" diagonal and under 100 lbs. Bracket shall be of steel, with anodized
aluminum fi nish, and shall feature keystone-shaped mounting panel which
will slide into steel mating bracket on SMS Flatscreen Mounts for easy, safe
and sturdy mounting. Universal Plasma Bracket to have both landscape and
portrait orientation capabilities. Hardware for attaching bracket to plasma
display provided by Draper—a full set of screws, washers, extenders, spacers,
Extension Plates and Extension Arms to fi t virtually any plasma model.
Universal bracket shall be compatible with all SMS Flatscreen Mounts for
Plasma Displays.
Plasma-specifi c Bracket: shall be provided for any plasma display over 50"
diagonal and over 100 lbs. Bracket shall be of steel, with anodized aluminum
fi nish, and shall feature keystone-shaped mounting panel which will slide
into steel mating bracket on all SMS Flatscreen Mounts for easy, safe, and
sturdy mounting. Hardware for attaching bracket to plasma display provided
by Draper. Bracket shall be compatible with all SMS Flatscreen Mounts for
Plasma Displays.
WH T 2: Extremely low profi le, protruding approximately 1" from wall. Wall
mount and tilting mechanism shall be of steel, with anodized aluminum
fi nish. Unit shall be securely attached to mounting surface using two angles,
spaced so that fasteners are 16" apart on center. Tilting mechanism shall
feature mating bracket to accept mounting panel of Draper’s keystone-shaped
slide on Universal Plasma Bracket or plasma-specifi c mounting bracket. Unit
shall allow 10º tilt, and feature a safety lock to keep plasma display in place.
Tilting mechanism shall also lock into place for non-tilting installations. Will
accommodate virtually any display up to 330 pounds.
WH 3D: Articulating wall mount collapses to depth of 4" (minus plasma
display and bracket). The articulating arm extends the display up to 26"
from wall, and allows swivel left and right as far as the wall will allow. Mating
bracket to accept mounting panel of Draper’s keystone-shaped slide on
Universal Plasma Bracket or plasma-specifi c mounting bracket. Display can
be tilted 10°. Will accommodate virtually any display up to 100 lbs.
WH ST: Swiveling wall mount shall be of steel, with anodized aluminum
fi nish, and shall be attached to mounting surface using steel mounting plate,
allowing bracket to swivel approximately ±90º (depending on size of plasma
display). Steel tilting mechanism shall feature mating bracket to accept
mounting panel of Draper’s keystone-shaped slide on Universal Plasma
Bracket or plasma-specifi c mounting bracket. Unit shall allow 15º tilt and
360º rotation, and feature safety screws to keep plasma display in place. Will
accommodate virtually any display up to 165 pounds.
WH ST 400: Wall mount shall be extruded aluminum pillar, with anodized
aluminum fi nish. Pillar shall be securely attached to mounting surface using
two steel mounting plates. Steel tilting mechanism shall feature mating bracket
to accept mounting panel of Draper’s keystone-shaped slide on Universal
Plasma Bracket or plasma-specifi c mounting bracket. Display can be mounted
horizontally or vertically. Unit shall allow 15º tilt and 20º rotation, and feature
safety screws to keep plasma display in place. Will accommodate virtually any
display up to 330 lbs.
WH ST 1150: Wall mount shall be extruded aluminum pillar with anodized
aluminum fi nish. Pillar shall be securely attached to mounting surface using
two steel mounting plates. Steel tilting mechanism shall feature mating bracket
to accept mounting panel of Draper’s keystone-shaped slide on Universal
Plasma Bracket or plasma-specifi c mounting bracket. One or two displays can
be mounted horizontally or one can be mounted vertically. Unit shall allow 15º
tilt and 20º rotation, and feature safety screws to keep plasma display in place.
Display can be raised or lowered up to 33½" in 2" increments. Discrete cable
track located on sides of support pillar. Will accommodate virtually any display
up to 330 lbs.
WFH ST 2000: Wall/Floor mount shall be pillar of extruded aluminum, with
anodized aluminum fi nish. Pillar shall be securely attached to wall and fl oor
using two steel mounting plates. Steel tilting mechanism shall feature mating
bracket to accept mounting panel of Draper’s keystone-shaped slide on
Universal Plasma Bracket or plasma-specifi c mounting bracket. Up to three
displays can be mounted horizontally or up to two can be mounted vertically,
depending on display sizes. Unit shall allow 15º tilt (except when more than
one display is mounted) and 20º rotation, and feature safety screws to keep
plasma in place. Discrete cable track shall be located on sides of support
pillar. Will accommodate virtually any display up to 660 pounds (total weight of
all displays).
(765) 987-799
Options: Universal Plasma Bracket fi ts plasma displays through 50" diagonal.
Shelves for mounting DVD, VCR, videoconferencing camera or other
ac ces so ries above or below plasma display optionally available with WH ST
1150 & WFH ST 2000. Available in grey or black. Shelves can be raised or
lowered in 2" in cre ments. SMS Security Lock Kit allows plasma displays to be
secured to SMS Flatscreen Mount for Plasma Displays; kit includes adhesive
pad, (2) loopers, 6' cable and key lock. SMS FPD Adapter allows you to use
plasma mounts for LCD/TFT fl at panel displays.