Possible Remedies: (Unplug stove first when possible)
1. The hopper is out of pellets.
2. The burn pot holes are blocked.
Remove the burn pot and clean it thoroughly.
3. The air inlet, interior chambers, or exhaust system is partly
Follow all cleaning procedures in the maintenance section of the
owner‟s manual.
4. One of the two augers motor has failed.
Remove the auger motor from the auger shaft and try to run the
motor separately by pressing the fuel feed button on the control
board. Make sure that the hopper lid is not open. If the motor turns,
the shaft is jammed on something. If the motor does not turn, the
motor is defective or there is a faulty connection with the control
board. To remove the auger motor, take the rear louver off the stove
body. Loosen the two screws holding the motor to the auger shaft.
5. One of the two auger shaft is jammed.
Remove the auger shaft from the auger housing. Start by emptying
the hopper. Take the rear louver off the stove body. Then take the
auger motor off by removing the screws that hold the motor to the
auger shaft. Once the motor is out, remove the four screws on the
steel plate that holds the auger shaft to the auger housing. Then
rotate the bottom end of the auger shaft down towards you until you
can pull the shaft down out of the stove. After you have removed the
shaft, inspect it for bent flights, burrs, or broken welds. Remove any
foreign material that may have caused the jam. Also, check the
auger housing for signs of damage such as burrs, rough spots, or
grooves cut into the metal that could have caused a jam. Clean the
auger housing thoroughly to remove all pellet dust.
6. The thermistor heat sensor has malfunctioned.
The thermistor is a heat sensor located on the exhaust housing. Its
function is to tell the control board that the unit has ignited properly
by measuring the heat in the exhaust. The pellet stove will not start
feeding pellets at the desired heat setting until it has received a
signal from the thermistor heat sensor. If the thermistor heat sensor
is bad, the unit will stop after the ignition cycle. If this situation
occurs, call your dealer or technician.
1. Blockage in igniter tube or inlet for igniter tube.
Remove the burn pot and clean it thoroughly. Make sure that all
openings are clear. Find the place where the igniter tube comes out
of the burn pot housing. It is a small tube located on the back of the
burn pot housing. Make sure it is clear. Make sure there is no debris
around the igniter element or inside the igniter tube.
2. Defective igniter element.
Supply power directly to the igniter element. Watch the tip of the
igniter from the front of the stove. After about 30 seconds, the tip
should glow. If it does not, the element is defective and must be
replaced. You may need a technician to perform this test.
3. The thermistor heat sensor has malfunctioned.
The thermistor is a heat sensor located on the exhaust housing. Its
function is to tell the control board that the unit has ignited properly
by measuring the heat in the exhaust. The pellet stove will not start
feeding pellets at the desired heat setting until it has received a
signal from the thermistor heat sensor. If the thermistor heat sensor
is bad, the unit will stop after the ignition cycle. If this situation
occurs, call your dealer or technician.