Caution: Do not attempt to connect the speakers to any source, amplifier or receiver that
is turned on. Be sure the receiver is off prior to connecting the speakers.
Parallel or series wiring is commonly acceptable for the Dual ROCK speakers to gain
correct amplifier loading. Avoid series wiring your Dual speakers with any other speaker
type or brand.
In phase installations will take special care to connect the speaker wire runs in phase
using the correct polarity.
Polarity - Speaker wires are marked for polarity consistency so that you can determine
the positive and negative identity of the individual wires within the molded pair insulation.
Polarity is shown by either a color stripe on the insulation, by ridges molded into one side
of the insulation, the color of the insulation case around the wire, or by the color type or
colors of the wires/wire itself (copper or silver).
Important: In order to maintain correct polarity, always connect speaker wire using the
positive(+) terminal on the receiver to the positive (+) wire, and the negative (-) terminal
on the receiver to the negative (-) wire.
For a typical audio installation, all speakers in a system will be connected with the same
respective polarity. The speaker connections are located on the bottom of the Dual ROCK
For best results, crimp or solder the wires together using heat shrink to seal each
individual conductor. After the individual conductors are sealed, seal over the pair with
another layer of heat shrink.
Connection Tip: You may also use twist nuts specially designed for outdoor applications.
These twist nuts have a silicone core inside the nut head and coat the connection once
attached. These special nuts are not included but are widely available.