
After each use, for easy and tidy
storage, wind the power cord (5)
into the body of the mixer by
turning the swivel base (4)
clockwise in the direction shown by
the arrow on the mixer body (8)
To prevent cord damage always
pull power cord (5) out gently. If
the cord jams, rotate the swivel
base (4) counter clockwise half a
turn, then pull out the cord (5)
DDoo nnoott ppuullll ccaabbllee ppaasstt tthhee rreedd
iinnddiiccaattoorr oonn tthhee ppoowweerr ccoorrdd ((55))
Unplug electric cord (5) from
electrical outlet before cleaning
Wipe the mixer body (8) clean
with a dry cloth.
Wash the beaters, dough hooks
and whisk (6) in hot soapy water
after each use. Rinse thoroughly
and dry
Beaters, dough hooks and balloon
whisk (6) are all dishwasher safe
Detach the beaters (6) from the
mixer and store them carefully.
The mixer should be stored with
the cord (5) retracted into the
body (8) and stood on the swivel
base (4). The plug (5) should be
plugged into the defined holes (7)
If your mixer malfunctions within
oonnee yyeeaarr ffrroomm tthhee ddaattee ooff ppuurrcchhaassee
we will, at our discretion, repair or
replace it free of charge provided;
You have not misused, neglected
or damaged it
You provide a receipt to show
where and when you purchased
your hand mixer
It has not been modified
It has been used for the purpose
for which it is intended
This guarantee does not affect your
statutory rights. Dualit Ltd does not
assume any responsibility for
incidental or consequential rights.
Call the Dualit UK customer care line
on: +44 (0) 1293 652 500
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