Dual Servo Spin Welder User’s Manual
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-570-01Page 42
Pressing the TOOLS button displays the rst tab
labeled SELECT SETUP. This contains eight buttons
for selecting a setup le as shown in Figure 5–29. The
Machine Cycle Count in the lower right corner is the
total number of weld cycles that have occurred in the
machine’s lifetime.
The middle tab named UTILITIES and shown in
Figure 5–30 contains buttons for renaming, copying,
and erasing setups, as well as a button for accessing
a screen to record other machine settings and one for
exporting the graph data for the last weld.
Rename Setup allows a name up to 26 characters. The
keypad has the letters a through z and a caps key for
A through Z, plus the numbers 0 through 9 and a space
key. To rename a setup, enter a new name and then
press the RENAME button under the new name. Press
the DONE button when nished.
Copy Setup copies the values of the currently loaded
setup le to the setup le specied. To copy a setup,
press the Destination Setup ID button, enter the desired
number, then press the COPY button. Press the DONE
button when nished.
Erase Setup clears all setup parameter values and
restores them to factory defaults. To erase a setup, press
the ERASE button, and then the DONE button.
The OTHER MACHINE SETTINGS button is used as a
“notepad” feature in recording the information shown
in Figure 5-31 and is provided as a convenience feature
for restoring the complete machine setup. The Upper
Tool Nr. and Lower Tool Nr. elds can be populated with
tool identication numbers. The Column Position (mm)
Figure 5–30 UTILITIES Screen in TOOLS Menu
Figure 5–31 Record Other Machine Setetings
Screen in UTILITIES Menu
Figure 5–29 SELECT SETUP Screen in TOOLS Menu