Refer to Application Note AN507 (Automation Interface
Guidelines) at http://www.dukane.com/us/DL_ApplDa-
ta.asp for wiring diagrams of example applications.
System Inputs Connector Pinout
The SYSTEM INPUTS connector is a HD-15F (high
density D-subminiature 15 circuit female) connector.
Connector pin numbers for this connector are shown in
Figure 3-9. The male connector on the cable is a mirror
image of the panel-mounted connector and is shown in
Figure 3-10. Table 3-II lists the signal names and descrip-
tions, with more detailed descriptions that follow. The
wire color coding for the system input cable is listed in
Table 3-II, to assist with custom automation system wir-
ing and assembly.
Refer to Section 8, Options for information
on optional features.
Figure 3-8 System I/O Panel (standard panel shown)
Note that a simple switch closure (relay contact) con-
nected to a control input can not activate the input with-
out adding an external power supply to power the input.
Adding jumper connections to pins available on the Sys-
tem Inputs connector, can congure switch closure inputs
to operate referenced to generator chassis ground (non-
isolated), without adding a separate power supply, if de-
Continued from previous page
Page 20
iQ Series Ultrasonic Generator/Power Supply ES User’s Manual
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-575-00