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Section 3 – Installation
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-583-00
Carefully open your shipping container, and make sure
it contains the items shown on the shipping documents.
Inspect all items, and report any missing items or damage
Make certain generator placement and cable routing do
not interfere with normal operation. Maintain easy access
to your equipment.
The operator should have unobstructed access to cables
and wiring.
RFI Grounding
Proper grounding for the generator chassis is essential
for the effective suppression of electrical noise or
RFI (Radio Frequency Interference). Every ultrasonic
generator contains a RFI lter that blocks noise on the
AC power line from entering the system control circuitry.
This lter also prevents ultrasonic frequency noise from
being fed back into the AC power line. For the RFI lter
to operate effectively, it is necessary to correctly ground
the system.
Connect a grounding wire from the grounding stud
connection (see Figure 3-1) to the nearest grounded metal
pipe or equivalent earth ground.
See Connecting Cables on the next page.
To m ini mi ze el ec tri -
cal noise and eliminate
ground currents, ground
the chassis as shown.
Use a STAR conguration
(illustrated below). Do not
DAISY CHAIN the grounds.
#14 Gauge
Stranded or
Solid Wire
Fixed Probe Mount
or 2nd Chassis
Grounding Stud
3rd Chassis
Chassis Grounding
Recommended protective
earth ground connection
wire color: green or green
with yellow stripe.
Chassis Grounding Stud
The chassis grounding stud is used to attach
a protective earth ground to the generator.
This will aid in the suppression of electrical
interference or radio frequency interference
(RFI) that is common in a industrial environ-
ment. Stud location is shown in Figure 3-3
on the following page.
If you have any questions
about the grounding of your
equipment and/or the electri-
cal box, contact a qualified