Chapter 4: Web Configuration
A new IP filtering setting for Outbound
traffic is created in the web page. To edit the
setting, please click the pencil mark to get
into the editing page. To delete the setting,
click the trash mark to erase it. To set
another IP filtering, click Add again.
For adding a new Inbound IP Filtering, click
Inbound traffic in the item of Select the
direction to filter packets. Use the same
way to add a new one as stated above.
IGMP Proxy
The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is an Internet protocol that provides a way for an
Internet computer to report its multicast group membership to adjacent routers.
The hosts interact with the system through the exchange of IGMP messages. When you want to
configure IGMP proxy, the system will interact with other router through the exchange of IGMP
messages. However, when acting as the proxy, the system performs the host portion of the IGMP
task as follows:
When it is queried, the system will send group membership reports to the group.
When one of the hosts joins a multicast address group to which none of other hosts belong, the
system will send unsolicited group membership reports to that group.
When the last of hosts in a particular multicast group leaves the group, the system will send a
leave group membership report to the routers group.