ADSL Router User Manaul
If the type you choose is Bridging, please refer to the following information.
The bridging mode can configure your router
to send packets received on any port such as
ATM PVC or Ethernet with a broadcast
MAC address to all other ports.
Choose Bridging and click Next.
Primary IP Address:
Type in the IP address that you got from
your ISP for LAN interface.
Subnet Mask:
Type in the subnet mask that you got from
your ISP for LAN interface.
You can modify them if needed. Click Next
for next step.
You can check it at this time. If you find
something is incorrect, click Back to change
the settings. If everything is OK, click
Finish to accept these settings. And the
following page will appear.
Now, the system will reboot to activate the
new settings that you have done in this
Please wait for 2 minutes for restarting the