When using
the unit in a saltwater environment, we strongly rec-
ommend that you shut off the power supply to the power cable
when the unit is not in use. When the unit is turned off but still
connected to a power supply, electrolysis can occur in the power ca-
ble plug. This may result in corrosion of the plug body along with
the electrical contacts in the cable and the unit's power socket.
In saltwater environments we recommend you connect the power
cable to the auxiliary power switch included in most boat designs.
If that results in electrical interference, or if such a switch is not
available, we recommend connecting direct to the battery and in-
stalling an inline switch. This will let you shut off power to the
power cable when the unit is not in use. When you are not using
the unit, you should always shut off power to the power cable, es-
pecially when the power cable is disconnected from the unit.
Power connections for the FishEasy 245 and SeaFinder 245DS
sonar units (direct battery connection shown).
If possible, keep the power cable away from other boat wiring, espe-
cially the engine's wires. This will provide the best isolation from elec-
trical noise. The power cable has two wires, red and black. Red is the
12 volt
Black wire
Red wire with
3 amp fuse
To unit