Function Name Description
EDR_UninstallISR Removes an interrupt service routine that was
installed with EDR_InstallISR
EDR_InstallBoardISR Installs an ISR for a particular type of interrupt
installed on the PC 62C.
EDR_UninstallBoardISR Removes an interrupt service routine that was
installed with EDR_InstallBoardISR
EDR_MaskIRQ Masks or unmasks a particular IRQ level
EDR_MaskBoardIRQ Masks or unmasks a particular board interrupt
EDR_ResetInterrupt Resets an interrupt latch on the PC 62C and sends an
EOI command to one of the PCs interrupt controllers
on completion of the interrupt
EDR_AllocBoardHandle Allocates a new board handle to the PC 62C. If no
board handles are available then a 0 is returned. This
is particularly useful is multiple PC 62C are present
in the same.computer.
EDR_FreeBoardHandle Releases a board handle allocated to the PC 62C
making it available to any other PC card
EDR_InitBoardType Initialises a board and allocates a board handle to it
EDR_ConfigDialog Diplays a dialog box that allows the user to manually
configure the driver for the Board in the computer
EDR_SaveConfiguration Function writes configuration information to a file for
later loading with EDR_LoadConfiguration
EDR_LoadConfiguration Loads details of the Cards configuration from the file
created by EDR_SaveConfiguration
EDR_RestoreDefaults Restores factory default configuration for a baord
attached to a handle
EDR_IsBaseAddressInUse Checks if any board initialised with EDR is using the
specified I/O address
EDR_DetectBoard Tries to determine the type of board present at a
specified I/O address.
EDR_SetBoardType Changes the board type attached to a board handle
EDR_SetIRQLevel Set the IRQ level EDR will use for the interrupt ID
EDR_NumDIOPorts Gets the number of DIO ports a board has.
EDR_ValidDIOPortConfig Checks the configuration of a digital port.
EDR_ValidInterruptID Checks to see if the board supports the ID specified
EDR_ValidIRQLevel Checks an IRQ level