PCI30FG User Manual
Eagle Technology © Copyright 2002 8
• Further open the control panel and then the EagleDAQ folder. This
dialog should list all installed hardware. Verify your board’s properties
on this dialog. See picture below
Figure 2-8 EagleDAQ
Now the first part of your installation has been completed and ready to
install the EDR Enhanced Software Development Kit.
• Run setup.exe found on the EDR Enhanced SDK CD-Rom and follow
the on screen instructions
Windows NT/2000
Windows NT/2000 does not require any special setup procedure. The
Windows NT driver does not support plug and play. If Windows 2000 detects
a new device simply install a default driver, or so called placeholder.
To install the Windows NT/2000 drivers simply run setup.exe on the EDR
Enhanced CD-Rom. This will automatically install the device drivers. Restart
your computer when done. Open the EagleDAQ folder in the control panel to
check if your installation was successful. Figure 2-8 shows a successful