
Using The Remote Eye
Wireless remote with eye:
Earthquake’s advanced remote eye system and remote control
are easy to use and setup. This three piece system is for
controlling your systems bass volume. Allowing the bass to be
adjusted by isolation is great for demonstrations and for stealth
subwoofer installations.
Installing the remote eye is very easy; simply plug the provided
1/8” jack to the REMOTE connection on the SuperNova MKV’s
amplifier plate. Once you have found a good location that suits
your needs best, mount the eye and run the cable from the amp
to the eye.
AC power connection:
The is available in two models: 110V
and 220V/24. The power socket if fused to protect the amplifier
from surges. Do not overfuse, replace the fuse with identical
SuperNova MKV
Fuse holder:
The fuse holder is located directly under the power
socket. It contains two extra fuses, 10 amperes each.
To access the fuse holder, make sure your SuperNova
MKV is turned off and unplugged from both the wall outlet and
the amplifier’s power socket. Place a flat head screw driver in
the groove on the top of the fuse holder and simply pry off the
fuse holder.
The is a true subwoofer, it must never be SuperNova MKV, volume level under the 10 o’clock
operated above the subharmonic/harmonic frequency position - you might experience some clipping (overwhelm-
range. The frequency response is limited by the built-in ing the SuperNova MKV input capability). We suggest that
crossover (with an upper end of 150 Hz); however, in most you feed an audio signal into the Supernova through
applications, the crossover should not be set above 80Hz. (using) ONE (1) RCA input instead of using both the RCA
It is equipped with a fourth-order Linkwitz-Riley filter which inputs of the Supernova.
will block vocals from interfering with its performance.
7- With the crossover open to 150Hz, you will hear vocals
When setting up the SuperNova MKV as a part of a home coming out of the subwoofer. Gradually reduce the
audio system, users must understand that the subwoofer crossover point until vocals are eliminated (typical crossing
requires different settings: one for music, and one for point of 80Hz).
playing movie tracks. In order to set up the SuperNova
MKV for music, users must recognize the frequency To control the volume level of the SuperNova MKV, use the
response of their existing speakers (tower & surround surround sound processor output controls; do not use the
sound) and the limitations of these speakers, i.e. the main volume knob on the SuperNova MKV (keep it
diameter (size) of the speakers and the SPL. between 10 & 2 o'clock position). Once you set up the
proper mix of low frequencies and subharmonic response,
For music setting: that does not encroach on the rest of the speakers. Now
you are ready to set up the SuperNova MKV for home
1- Position the MKV in the corner of the living room. theater use.
2- Turn the unit around to expose the controls .
3- Turn on your audio system, and switch your surround For movie viewing:
sound processor to “MUSIC” mode, and equalize the rest
of your audio system. The SuperNova MKV can be set up to your liking. There is
4- Connect the SuperNova MKV to the processor, using no rule of thumb to how much bass is required. Often,
high quality (triple shielded) RCA cables. users like to feel the overwhelming bass, it brings the
5- Set the crossover to 150Hz - maximum position, actions and events closer to real life. When viewing
volume at minimum (0). movies, a 10dB gain above music setting is often pleasant,
6- Gradually raise the main volume knob (between the 10 it brings movie viewing close to life.
o’clock to 2 o’clock) position, optimizing for the subwoofer
performance. That is when the Optical Compression If you desire to have a crossover setting for music, different
Circuitry works best, allowing the amp maximum output than the setting for movie viewing. We suggest to cross the
with minimal distortion. SuperNova MKV at higher frequency setting, and use the
processor to control the desired lower crossing point.
VERY IMPORTANT: some of the newer audio processors
come equipped with high level voltage on the RCA
subwoofer outputs. In such case - even with the
SuperNova MKV
Setting Up Your SuperNova
50Hz 150Hz
Crossover knob in 2 O'clock position - 90Hz @ -3dB.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200Hz
Level in dB.
50Hz 150Hz
Crossover knob in 1 O'clock position - 85Hz @ -3dB.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200Hz
Level in dB.