Console Software
Console Software
The AudioFire8 Console Window: Analog Out 1-2 Tab selected.
Bus Select Tabs
The output bus is selected by clicking on one of the tabs at the top of the console
window. The above example shows the console window for AudioFire8. Five
different output busses are shown here: four analog busses and one digital bus.
Each output bus has its own tab, marked either “Analog” or “S/PDIF”, and a
channel number pair. When you select a tab it will come to the front, and the other
tab titles will be gray. In this case “Analog 1-2” is the currently selected output
bus. Clicking on an output bus tab simply selects the settings that are displayed.
This means all input monitor parameters such as volume, pan, and mute only
apply to the audio coming out analog outputs 1 and 2 of AudioFire8. To select,
view and change the input monitoring and playback settings for another set of
outputs you must select a different output bus by clicking on one of the other