
Add/Modify: You can click this button to add the
drive / folder you specified above to storage
space list, or select an existing storage space in
the list to change its parameters then click this
button to update its parameter.
Remove: Select a pre-defined storage space and
click this button to remove it from the list.
Alarm Space
When data storage space is less than the size
you specified here, you’ll receive an alarm
message to notify you should do something to
prevent from running out of storage space.
Start-up Condition
Select the behavior of EdiView when computer
starts up. You can select multiple options you
want to use:
Auto run, when Windows start: Check this box
and EdiView will run automatically when
computer starts.
Start program in minimum: Start EdiView as
minimized window.
Auto record: Start video recording automatically
when EdiView starts.
If you want to start recording automatically,
remember to use ‘Auto Login’ function.
Auto Login
Input the user ID and password to login EdiView
automatically. This function is useful when you
want to start recording automatically when
computer starts.
User ID: Input user ID used to login EdiView,
must have adequate privileges to perform the
action you wish to execute.
Password: Input user’s password.