
The transmitter has been disabled by the conversation timer (page 29).
An out-of-range condition exists (SMARTNET/SmartZone only).
A transmission is being attempted before the penalty timer has expired
(page 28).
Dynamic regrouping has been exited but the dynamic regrouping
channel is still selected (page 48).
The paged mobile did not acknowledge the page (page 44).
The message that was sent has not been acknowledged (page 45).
The status condition that was sent has not been acknowledged
(page 46).
Single Short Medium-Pitch Tone
A valid key has been pressed.
Single Short Low-Pitch Tone
An invalid key has been pressed.
Six Beeps (Recurring)
The page was received (page 44).
Three Beeps (Recurring)
A unit-to-unit call was received (page 36).
Six Beeps
The paged radio received the page and acknowledged it (page 44).
The message that was sent has been received and acknowledged
(page 45).
The status condition that was sent has been received and acknowledged
(page 46).
Two Beeps
The emergency alarm condition was acknowledged (page 47).