13.6 VDC
25 or 40 Watts, UHF
15 or 30 Watts, 800/900 MHz
Part No. 242-984x-2xx (UHF)
Part No. 242-988x-2xx (800 MHz)
Part No. 242-989x-2xx (900 MHz)
Copyright © 2001 by the E.F. Johnson Company
The E.F. Johnson Company, which was founded in 1923, provides wireless communication
systems solutions for public safety, government, and commercial customers. The company
designs, manufactures, and markets conventional and trunked radio systems, mobile and
portable subscriber radios, repeaters, and Project 25 digital radio products.
Viking Head/EFJohnson logo, LTR
, LTR-Net
, Multi-Net
, and Call Guard
are trademarks
of the E.F. Johnson Company. SMARTNET™ and SmartZone
are trademarks of Motorola,
Inc. All other company and/or product names used in this manual are trademarks and/or reg-
istered trademarks of their respective manufacturer.
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice.