Section 12: Chase Playback
Chases can be played back in two modes- “Sequence“ or “Mix“. Sequence mode allows for chases to
be played back one at a time. All eight chases can be selected at one time. However, the chase with
the flashing LED is the only active chase running at the given time. Once that chase has finished, the
next selected chase will automatically begin to run and it’s LED will begin to flash until it finishes. This
sequence mode will automatically loop all selected chases. Mix mode allows up to eight chases to be
played back at any one time. This mode allows for the highest values to take effect over a given
channel. For example, if one chase contains a value of 126 for channel 2 and another chase contains
a value of 246 for channel 2 then the chase containing the value of 246 will take precedence because
it is a higher value.
12a. Sequencing Chase Playback
1. Press the chase buttons, 1-8, that you wish playback. The active chase LED flash continuously
and the LCD will display the selected chase number followed by the sequencing chase steps- “C1-
8:1-99“. (Note: if more than one chase was selected, the chases will continue to sequence from one
to the next in the order they were selected).
2. Press the “SPEED“ button to adjust the chase rate. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to set the chase
rate ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).
3. Press the “FADE“ button to adjust the chase fade time. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to set the
fade time ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).
4. To disengage a chase, press the chase button that you wish to switch off. The chase button LED
will turn off confirming that it will no longer be included in the sequence.
12b. Mixed Chase Playback
Press and hold down any recorded chase button 1-8, then select other chases you want included
in your mixed chase playback. All selected chases will then flash continuously indicating that they are
part of the mixed chase playback.
Press the “SPEED“ button to adjust the chase rate. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to set the chase
rate ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).
3. Press the “FADE“ button to adjust the chase fade time. Use the “UP/DOWN“ buttons to set the
fade time ranging from 0.1 (one tenth of a second) to 10:00 (ten minutes).
4. Press any chase button twice to exit mixed chase playback mode.