While DMX 512 is the standard used to control lighting, at this time,
there are some differences you should know about. One is pin con
figuration. The DATA + And DATA- are reversed. This can be corrected
by using the reversal switch on the DMX Operator. If you have some
fixtures from each polarity use adapter Z-DMXADAPT between the fix
3 Data -
Data+ 2
1 Ground
3 Data +
Data - 2
1 Ground
Addressing Fixtures
In order to have individual control of each fixture with
the DMX operator Fixture addresses should be addressed
as follows.
Scanner Button # 1 starts at 1
Scanner Button # 2 starts at 17
Scanner Button # 3 starts at 33
Scanner Button # 4 starts at 49
Scanner Button # 5 starts at 65
Scanner Button # 6 starts at 81
Scanner Button # 7 starts at 97
Scanner Button # 8 starts at 113
Scanner Button # 9 starts at 129
Scanner Button # 10 starts at 145
Scanner Button # 11 starts at 161
Scanner Button # 12 starts at 177
If you are not sure how to set the starting address of your
Fixture refer to Chart on pages 20 & 21 of manual.
Elation Professional® - DMX OPERATOR User Manual page 7
1. PRESS AND HOLD PROGRAM BUTTON (FIG. 6) for three (3) seconds
to activate program mode. The LCD DISPLAY (FIG.3) will indicate
your in program mode by displaying a continuous fast blinking
light next to ‘PROG.
2. Select a fixture to program, by pressing any or all SCANNER BUTTONS
1 TO 12 (FIG2).
3. Adjust the faders to the desired settings of the fixture or fixtures your
programming (i.e. Color, Gobo, Pan, Tilt, Speed, etc.), by adjusting
the fader values. Use the PAGE A B BUTTON if your Fixture has more
than eight channels. When selecting from Page A to B you have to
move Sliders to activate channels
4. Once you’ve reached your desired setting and or position for the
Fixture, you can press the SCANNER BUTTON you were adjusting this
stops adjustment of that Fixture(s). You then press another SCANNER
BUTTON to select another Fixture to adjust.You can adjust more than
one fixture at a time by selecting more than one Scanner Button at
a time
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all the lights are where you want.
6. When entire scene is set to your liking, press and release the
8. Then press a SCENE BUTTON 1-8 (FIG 2) to store this scene. ALL LEDS
BLINK 3 TIMES The LCD will display the bank and scene where your
scene was stored.
9. Repeat steps 2-8 to record your first 8 scenes.
You can copy the settings from one scanner button to another in case you
want to add more lights to your show. just press and hold the scanner button
you want to copy then press the Scanner button you want to copy to
10. Now use the
UP and DOWN BANK BUTTONS (FIG.4). to record more
banks of scenes
. There are 30 banks you can store up to 8 scenes
per a bank for a total of 240 scenes.
11. To exit programming mode press and hold the
(FIG.6) for 3 seconds.
When you exit programming Blackout LED is on press BLACKOUT BUTTON
to de-activate blackout.
Elation Professional® - DMX OPERATOR User Manual page 8