Dry Hot air cycle
With a maximum available temperature of 300 °C, this cycle is mainly used
for baking products such as bread, pastries, cakes, biscuits, pies, flans,
strudels etc.
Quick grilling of meats (steaks, cutlets, rissoles, burgers etc.)
As with all cooking modes it is very important to pre-heat the oven prior
to placing the food inside, generally pre-heat the oven to 30-50 °C abovethe
desired cooking temperature.
When grilling steaks at 250-270 °C pre-heat the air-o-steam
to 300 °C
for at least 10 minutes first.
With oven ventilation closed
With oven ventilation closed
This is activated by selecting open ventilation from the Advanced functions.
Again on this cycle a maximum temperature of 300 °C is attainable - for
a maximum time of 10 minutes.
This cycle is used for cooking for example puff pastry sheets for custard slice,
browning and crisping skin on poultry, pork etc.
Cooking full loads of meat rissoles, which as they heat up produce excessive
humidity levels, the open vent allows excessive humidity to escape.
24 electrolux user guide