Cutting the benchtop out
• Thebenchcutoutneedstobesizedby
using the supplied template.
• Acuttingaccuracyof1.5mmeither
side of the marked area needs to be
Pull down clamps
• Thesearesuppliedinapartsbag
consisting of 4 clamps and 4 screws.
• Theclampsshouldbepre-assembled
onto the 4 brackets before dropping the
unit into the cutout.
Rubber seal
• Anoversizedlengthofrubbersealis
supplied in the parts pack
• Thisshouldbepushedintotherecess
should lie in the middle of one side.
• Thesealwillhavetobecuttolength
(add a few mm) and then the two ends
pushed up against one another.
20 installation instructions electrolux induction cooktop
Installation instructions