Advice on cooking with and without
automatic warm-up
The automatic warm-up function is suitable
• Dishes that start off cold, are heated up at high
power and do not need to be continually
watched when cooking on the lower heat
• Dishes that are put into a hot frying pan.
The automatic warm-up function is not suitable
• Goulash, beef olives and similar braised dishes
that need continual turning until browned
correctly, have liquid added and are then
braised until cooked,
• Dumplings, pasta dishes with lots of liquid,
• Cooking with pressure cookers,
• Very large quantities of soups/stews with more
than 2 litres of liquid.
General information
• When cooking without the automatic warm-up
function, we recommend the use of a high heat
setting to warm up the food (with the -button)
and then leave the dish to finish cooking at a
suitable lower heat setting.
• Pay special attention to the results of your first
use of the appliance. You can then decide
which heat setting is the best for „your dishes”
in the “quantities you are accustomed to
preparing” with your own „pots and pans”. You
will then quickly appreciate the advantages of
the automatic function and will feel secure and
relaxed with your new appliance.