0107 54
Memory card
General introduction
A memory card is a plastic card, the size of a credit card, with an
electronic memory chip inside it. This memory card is capable of
storing 10 to 15 wash programs of normal size. If the programs are
mostly small ones, more of them can be stored, whereas larger pro-
grams will reduce the number which can be held by the memory card.
Memory cards of this type can be used to :
• transfer wash programs from one machine to another
• run wash programs straight from the memory card
• transfer wash programs from a PC to a memory card and from a
memory card to a PC (these procedures, and how to write a
• wash program on a PC, are described elsewhere)
A program stored on a memory card may be given restricted-use sta-
tus. This means that :
• The program cannot be deleted or copied to the program control
unit of a washer extractor.
• You cannot alter the program or inspect the way it is written.
• To run the program you have to have the memory card and to insert
it into the program control unit when the program is to be started.
Memory chip
11. Machine