English 5
Vacuum programs
Trilobite has three vacuum programs:
“Normal” Trilobite first plots the room by following the walls
(edge cleaning) and then vacuums all open surfaces.
“Quick” The same as Normal, however without egde cleaning.
“Spot” Trilobite vacuums an area of about one square metre twice.
Refer to page 11 for more information on how to proceed and when to use the
different programs.
Starting vacuuming
You will probably use the Normal program most of the time. In
Normal mode, Trilobite starts with approaching a wall and then follows
the outer edges of the room by left turns until one full circumference
of the room is covered. Depending on the size and layout of the room,
edge cleaning may last for up to 15 minutes (25 minutes if it has found
the charger). After this, edge cleaning ends, and vacuuming commences.
Programmable Timer
Trilobite can be programmed to clean at a particular time, on the day
or days you select for cleaning. (Read more on page 12.)
Main cleaning program
During the main cleaning sequence, Trilobite moves freely all over the
room. Trilobite “sees” its way around with the help of harmless ultra-
sound. This is the same technique that is used by bats for navigation in
the dark, for instance, and for foetal diagnosis in hospitals.
When it discovers an object in its path, Trilobite stops a few centime-
tres in front of it and then changes direction. Trilobite can handle most
obstacles. However, if it gets stuck, it will continue with its cleaning
program if you release it within 20 minutes, put it back down on the
floor within 30 seconds and press the “Continue Cleaning” button.
If Trilobite is lifted while cleaning, the cleaning program is cancelled
and Trilobite is reset. If this happens, restart Trilobite. To pause a
cleaning program, press stop. Press
to resume.
If Trilobite is started from the charger or locates it during edge cleaning,
it will return to the charger unit whenever the battery charge falls below
a specific level. Once the batteries have been charged, Trilobite goes to
work again until the room has been vacuumed. When the work is done,
Trilobite returns to the charger. If Trilobite cannot find the charger
during edge cleaning and the battery voltage becomes too low, it will
stop somewhere in the room.
If you use the “Quick” program, always start Trilobite from the
charger. It will then return to the charger when it has finished cleaning.
Emptying the dust collector
Empty the dust collector when the dust collector icon shows in the
display. Be sure to empty the dust collector even if it is not completely
full. The light indicator may be due to e.g. a blocked filter. Always
replace the filter with a new one.
Functional Description
Place the charger close to a wall.
This way, Trilobite will find the
charger in the edge cleaning mode.
Start Trilobite directly from the
charger or face it towards a wall at
a distance of 0.5 m, to the right of
the charger. Start vacuuming
(see page 11).
Edge cleaning
Trilobite starts by first travelling
along the walls of the room to
establish the size of the room.
In the Vacuum Cycle, Trilobite
moves through the room at its own.
To make it easier
to find the charger,
start Trilobite towards
a wall close to and
to the right of the
To make it possible
for Trilobite to find
its way back to the
charger, place the
charger against one
of the outer walls of
the room.
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