Use the First Aid power to resuscitate a fallen squadmate from a distance. This consumes medi-gel.
Move to your comrade to resuscitate them without using medi-gel.
Strategy: Barriers & Shields
Use rapid-fire weapons and Disruptor Ammo to bring down shields and barriers. Stop shields from
regenerating by decimating them with Overload, Shield Drain, or Disruptor Ammo.
Strategy: Cerberus
Target Cerberus generators with Overload or Sabotage to cripple their defenses. If you take a
Cerberus position, repair the shields to use them yourself.
Strategy: Geth
Geth rely heavily on their shields and are therefore vulnerable to Overload, Shield Drain, Sabotage,
and Disruptor Ammo.
Weight Capacity
Carrying too many weapons will increase cooldown, effectively slowing down how often you can
use powers.
Weapon Tips
Weapon tips from Mass Effect 3’s gameplay team.
Armor Piercing Use hard-hitting weapons against armored opponents. Incendiary and
armor-piercing ammo also helps.
Barriers & Shields Shields and barriers protect against health damage. Shields appear as
blue, and barriers are purple.
Cover Piercing The Widow, Black Widow, and Javelin weapons can fire through enemies
and light cover. Mod other weapons, like the Mattock and Claymore, to
apply this devastating effect.
Firing from Cover Weapons are more accurate when fired from cover.
Firing Ranges Test out your weapons on the Citadel’s firing range, located by the
Spectre offices.
Overheating Weapons have thermal clips to prevent overheating. Clips use a universal
design, so retrieve compatible clips from combat areas and fallen enemies.
Reducing Recoil Powerful weapons recoil and are difficult to aim. Fire from cover and apply
certain mods to steady your hand.
Thermal Clips Spent thermal clips are ejected to cool weapons. Run out of clips, and you
can’t fire.
Weapon Balance It’s good practice to equip one slow, heavy weapon and one rapid-firing
weapon to deal with different defenses.
Weapon Mods Powerful weapons tend to have decreased thermal-clip capacities. Mod
your weapon to improve its efficiency.
Weight Capacity Carrying too many weapons will increase cooldown, effectively slowing
down how often you can use powers.