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Ballistic Armor
Operators have a higher tolerance and
resistance to explosive detonations and
therefore take less damage then other
tradecrafts. They can also arm/disarm
devices faster than other classes. Their
Ballistic Armor provides excellent protection
and when their masks are activated and
lowered, their frontal armor can absorb
greater damage.
Semtex Remote Charge
You have access to one remotely activated
explosive charge.
Explosive Resistance (Passive) Take less damage from explosions.
Faster Bomb Interaction (Passive) Arming and disarming bombs is a
faster process.
ScoRecHainS & SUPPoRt actionS
In Multiplayer, players gain points by shooting other players or by performing certain in-game
actions. Once you begin earning points, the Scorechain begins. Scorechains build as long as
you remain alive, but cancel when you die. At certain intervals, players receive Support Actions.
Support Actions are extra military assets that can be used against the opposition, such as
artillery or better ammunition. If you die while you have a Support Action that has not yet been
activated, you may use it when you respawn. If you want to gain a different Support Action, you
must rebuild your Scorechain to the necessary level. A meter in the upper left hand corner of
the screen displays the current level of your Scorechain and the requirement for the next level.
Support Actions are separated into Offensive and Defensive purposes.
60mm Mortar
The 60mm mortar is a quick and effective
way of bringing indirect fire on enemy
positions whether they are in open ground or
cover. It can quickly halt an attacking force
or neutralize enemy strongpoints.
Guided Missile
Ideal for precision strikes, guided missiles
are capable of neutralizing enemy
strongpoints at long ranges even when
direct line of sight fire is not available to
the operator.
Cluster Bomb
In critical situations, operators can call in
A-10s loaded with Cluster Bomb munitions.
The ordinance can quickly cover large areas
with devastating results.
Apache Pilot
Fireteams are able to call in and operate an
Apache Helicopter. The player who activates
the action will pilot the aircraft armed with
Hydra rockets while the Fireteam partner
mans the 30mm cannon.